Our new sign to help guide visitors to our field (members should know how to get there already but it still looks good).
The new wider taxiways are going in, while one has been removed. Once the grass grows back it will look great.
Our newly remodeled field house and picket fence separating the pits from the field house and spectators. The new field house is much larger and nicer inside than the original.
Picnic day at the field from the past. Notice the field house then and compare it to the current version.
Bob Williams makes a low, close in fly-by at the field.
The newly configured pits area with the full length mat under each table.
Runway upgrade
August, 2020
Ed Phillips on the rented roller ready to rumble. It did a nice job of compacting the base material.
The bed of the runway after dragging and rolling is ready for the runway material.
Sewing the seam to the existing fabric. This will help the runway hold together and will lay down nicely.
After sewing, the seam is stapled down in preparation for placing the runway material.
After stretching and aligning the material it is time to staple the edges.
The final product waiting to be tested. It should be easier to hit the fabric runway now that it is double the width of the original (and the windsock is not going to be there).